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Error al cargar Multiples Journals SAP BPC 10.1

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Un error un poco complicado que creo es bueno documentar para quienes se topen con el, en la version de SAP BPC 10.1, abajo del componente de BW 75 en SP7 he encontrado que cuando intentas hacer una limpieza de journals de BPC, previo un respaldo y hacer un restore, este falla almacenando solo 1 registro de los N que intentes subir, aqui documento los pasos realizados para solucionar el problema:

SOLUCION 1: Implementar SP 8, SP9 y SP10 en mi caso el servidor esta en 750 SP7


SOLUCION 2: implementar nota 2378083 

Hay multiples indicaciones a seguir para esta nota, las que deben realizarse antes de aplicar la nota y sus notas dependientes son los siguientes:

  1. Exception maintenance:
    1.1) Type transaction SE91 to enter the screen of Message Maintenance.
    1.2) Input ‘ UJJ_EXCEPTION‘ as Message class.
    1.3) Press button ‘change’ to change messages.
    1.4) Input the string ‘ Please enter a journal template ID.’ for the short text of message ‘144‘.
    1.5) Save and activate it.
  2. ‘Update default DM instruction:
    2.1) Go to transaction se38.
    2.2) Input the program ‘UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT‘ and hit ‘execute’ button.
    2.3) Tick the option «Update default DM instruction».
    2.4) Set the other options unchecked.
    2.5) Click ‘Execute’ button to run.
  3. After above operations, end users must check relevant dynamic script from EPM-Addin side. If there do not contain these lines, you must add them.
    3.1) For package of /CPMB/EXPORT_JOURNAL:
    PROMPT(COMBOBOX,%JRN_TMPL_ID%,»Select Template:»,0,,%JRN_TMPL_LIST%)

    3.2) For package of /CPMB/RESTORE_JOURNALS:

    3.3) For package of /CPMB/CLEAR_JOURNALS:
    PROMPT(CHECKBOXGROUP,%JRN_CLEAR_STATUS%,Select Journal Status:,{1,1,1,1,1},{«Posted»,»Saved»,»Unposted»,»Deleted»,»Locked»},)
  4. Add parameters for variants of the relevant process chains.
    4.1) If you are trying to implement this feature by applying the note:
    a) Enter R/3 system and type transaction code rspc.
    b) Double click process chain ‘/CPMB/EXPORT_JOURNAL‘ with network display.
    c) Double click the process type ‘Journal’ to enter variant ‘/CPMB/EXPORT_JOURNAL‘.
    d) Add below parameter for this variant.
    e) Double click the process chain ‘/CPMB/RESTORE_JOURNALS’ with network display.
    f) Double click the process type ‘Journal’ to enter variant ‘/CPMB/RESTORE_JOURNAL’.
    g) Add below parameter for this variant:
    h) Double click process chain ‘/CPMB/CLEAR_JOURNALS’ with network display.
    i) Double click the process type ‘Journal’ to enter variant ‘/CPMB/CLEAR_JOURNAL‘:

    4.2) If you are trying to implement this feature by upgrade.
    a) Delete process chains ‘/CPMB/EXORT_JOURNAL’; ‘/CPMB/RESTORE_JOURNAL’ and ‘/CPMB/CLEAR_JOURNAL’.
    b) Type transaction se38.
    c) Input the program ‘UJS_ACTIVATE_CONTENT‘ and hit ‘execute’ button.
    d) Tick the option «Activate BI Business Content».
    e) Set the other options unchecked.
    f) Click ‘Execute’ button to run.
    g) Check parameters which are listed in term 4.1). If they are not added automatically, you must add them manually.

Si la explicacion anterior no te ayuda mucho aqui algo mas detallado:

How to find the journal template ID

  • Logon SAP GUI and go to transaction code SE16.
  • Find table UJJ_JRNTMPL_NAME
  • Input Appset_ID and application_id
  • Find the journal template id that you are going to use in journal relative process chains.

Export Journal

Add new parameter in process chain “/CPMB/EXPORT_JOURNAL” in BW.

Logon SAPGUI and go to transaction code RSA1. Find the Export Journal process chain.

Double click “BPC:Export Journal” :

Add new parameter “JRN_TMPL_ID”:

Add process chain in Data Manager (Excel client)

Choose a Package Group and add process Chain if not added before.

Change the process chain.

Add the following lines in the right place, and then save the changed.

At line 1: PROMPT(TEXT,%JRN_TMPL_ID%,»Export Journal Template ID»,,,)


If for some reason variable %JRN_TMPL_ID% does not return any value remove it from lines and put value manually on Promp Template ID.

Execute the process chain

A journal template id is required. Refer to the first part “How to find the journal template ID” to get the correct template ID.

Here I take journa template ID 000001 as an example.

And run the process chain. The all jorunal entries with journal template ID 000001 will be exported.

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